

Improving your view as I document poems, prayers and promises.



Can you believe it’s already November?

The month of November is loaded with so many happenings. All Saint’s Day. Election Day. Veteran’s Day to name the obvious. It’s also my birth month, my wedding anniversary, my mother’s birthday and so many other birthday’s in my family: cousins, a sister-in-law and nephews. It’s also a month of tradition as we give thanks for our many blessings on Thanksgiving Day. However, growing up I was not a huge fan of the month of November.

I was always young for my grade in school. I entered kindergarten at four years old, no big deal, who had a clue about age during that stage of life. In New York grades were divided a little differently than other states: K-6 was elementary school, 7-9 was junior high school and 10-12 was high school. It was during those “memorable” birthday’s that triggered my dislike for my birthday month: turning 13, 16, and 21. For example, I didn’t turn 16 until 11th grade when everyone had their “sweet 16” in the 10th grade. By the time my 16th birthday came, I didn’t want anyone to know.

So that’s the first reason I disliked November. I didn’t like being the youngest and it left me feeling insecure. Other people have different events that cause insecurity and even false perception of self. It’s interesting how ones birth order or ones birth month has the potential of influencing other aspects of life.

The other negative about November, especially when I lived in the Northeast, the season shifts to shorter days which can be dark, cold and damp. In November we set our clocks back so when you get home from school or work, you’re tempted to put comfy clothes on and hunker down in your house. Your mind begins to dread the long winter that’s ahead and seasonal depression has a way of sneaking into ones mindset.

Eventually my feeling towards the month of November began to change. I got married in November and it was a beautiful warm and sunny day-thank goodness! I had a few kids in my mid 20’s, so I felt pretty good about being a young mom when my November birthday came around. Then my youngest was born in November, so how bad can November really be?

So now that you have a glimpse into my psyche about November, I won’t scare you with my astrological identity being a scorpio. There’s so much there that might have to wait for another time. I have come to embrace the month of November, especially now that I live in the South. The weather is more conducive to my liking and since I don’t have to juggle work with everyday obligations, life is a bit better. The month of November can keep us busy. But as we anticipate gathering with friends and family, hopefully we’ll manage to enjoy the moments of preparation and the times of sharing. Before you know it, we’ll be preparing for the December holiday’s which have such excitement, tradition and deep meaning.

So here’s to November. May it be a sunny, cheerful, and a pleasant month with much to enjoy and celebrate.

Shell Seekers

Shell Seekers

Autumn Sky

Autumn Sky