Tidbit Tuesday
Finally, an extremely useful cooking method for cooked eggs just in time for Easter!
I’ve looked in cookbooks and online for the proper way to cook eggs when I want to make egg salad. The method that permeated most of my search was to start with eggs in cold water, bring to a boil, remove from heat and allow the eggs to rest in hot water to continue cooking for approximately 15 minutes. I can’t remember the exact amount of time, and I’m too lazy to look up a recipe, either way- you get the point. I followed this ‘recipe’ not too long ago, only to find that my eggs were undercooked and I threw them all out. Prior to that disaster, I typically only to end up with half the intended amount of eggs because the egg-white would stick to the shell leaving me with a big mess. However, I found a new method, which I followed exactly, and low and behold, they came out perfectly. I was even able to peel the eggs without losing half of the white portion and the yolks were cooked perfectly and not discolored at all!
Here is the method for making perfect hard-boiled eggs for egg salad or in preparation for making
Easter Eggs.
No need to color our eggs!!
Meet Oreo!!