What happens to stagnant water?
Maybe a film forms on the surface.
Debris sinks to the bottom, instead of being washed away.
The water can get murky and dank.
If there’s a little current forming a wave, a ripple from the wind, or a landing bird on the waters-edge, the still water takes on a new life.
It’s not to say there isn’t beauty in stillness, clearly, the still brook above has its own beauty. But, perhaps the addition of a new element could change the tide, just enough, to allow new life to form.
I’ve been a little stagnant lately. Not so much in my actions, but in my mind. I’m keeping relatively busy, but the cylinders of my thoughts are not sparking as much. Usually, my mind is more aware or active, thinking of things to write about. I haven’t written much on my blog. I really have been a bit uninspired, mainly due to the events in our midst.
This is why I’ve been in a slump! (click on blue link)
But, if natural or unintentional change doesn’t occur, like a breeze pushing water, then I need to find a way to foster my own resurgence. We all need to find motivators in this changing climate that can lead to new opportunities. We need a spark that turns stagnation into live current.
We need to look out the window and improve our view!
How’s this for a view? The future view from my friends ‘window’. Their home is under construction on this amazing piece of land. Pretty spectacular!
There is beauty all around us. On Facebook, I follow a group called, View From My Window. Members of this group, from all around the world, post the view from the window of their home. It started during the lock-down when much of the world was in a stay-at-home mode. It’s amazing to see other views and read words of encouragement. We don’t all have a view like the one above, but often we can find something inspiring in our sight. If you feel your view is a little lack-luster, add a bird feeder, or fill a planter with flowers. A little intention might add some joy and inspiration. But, we also need to look beyond our view and our walls, whether real or imaginary. We are inhabitants of a beautiful world and it’s worth finding the beauty and meaning of life wherever you live. Start with a dose of gratitude, then get into inspired by other views ( I suppose this could span so many areas, but for now… :)
Get out. Go for a walk or bike ride.
Explore new places near and far.
Go for a car ride, but first swing by a coffee shop (support your local community) for a Cup of Joe to savor during the journey.
Pick up or make your own lunch and find a place to have a picnic or just pull up somewhere pretty and enjoy a moment or two of peace and quiet.
Keep an inspirational book in your car or bag, along with a notebook and pen. Allow thoughts to translate to words while you take in the view, then write down what you see and how it makes you feel.
Walk in a park or the beach, even if it’s in the rain. So what if you get wet!
There are so many discoveries to be found. Now is the perfect time to make it happen. I think we’ve all been a tad introspective lately. Now is the time to be more deliberate. Something I've learned is, don't wait. The weather (or whatever other stumbling-blocks you put in your mind) doesn't have to be perfect. Think about when you’re on vacation. You can't stay in your hotel room waiting for the perfect day to get out and explore. The same thing can apply when you're staying local.
We often wait for everything to be just right. We come up with all kinds of excuses like it’s too hot, I’m too tired, it might rain, but as long as you won't be blown away in a storm, maybe you'll find new enjoyment walking in the rain. There’s something wonderful about a long walk on the beach when the clouds are laying low and few people dare to come out. Or a walk in the woods might trigger your mind to drift back to a past memory of places once explored, like a wooded island in the middle of a lake or something unique to you. Try not to be encumbered by distractions, unless you use your time to catch up on an inspiring podcast or get lost in some great music, and take in the beauty that’s around you.
Find your new perfect, that’s not so perfect. Improve your view and move out of stagnation.
Whatever you deliberately decide to do with your days, don't remain stagnant. Make some ripples. Add some current. You might be pleasantly surprised by what you discover…about yourself, all the while, keeping some space between you and them.
This article hit home (click on the blue link)
I plan on writing about my local town in the coming weeks and I’ll share with you some of my discoveries. So be on the lookout!