Deliberate Escape

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I think we typically are resilient but right now, maybe we’re a little fragile.

As I look at the flowers blooming in my garden and about my neighborhood, I’m amazed how something so fragile can withstand ever-changing weather. Flowers seem to endure temperature shifts and the beating of falling rain. Sure they don’t last forever, but if you examine their petals, I'm in awe they survive at all. They’re soft and gentle and yet, oh so resilient. It’s clear though, some flowers are stronger than others. 

As I looked out my window one rainy morning, the Gerber daisies and Snapdragons were holding up nicely, but the Iris's seem to be struggling a little. The following day brought beautiful sunshine and even the wilted Iris’ seemed to perk in the warm sun. I suppose some of us are like that too. 

Some people can experience repetitive heartache and still manage to come out of the other side of a storm stronger and some even better than before. Then, others seem to wilt and fade when harshness takes hold. I suppose there isn’t much a flower can do to protect itself but are there things we can do?

It certainly helps to have supportive family and friends. They are your lifeline in times of difficulty. Sometimes we’re reluctant to share or reach out to someone, maybe it’s pride or maybe it’s a bit of doubt in one's ability to provide aid and comfort. I think if we’re honest with ourselves, most of us, if asked, would do whatever we could to help, we simply and typically don’t ask.

One's faith is another source of comfort in times of need. Not everyone shares the same beliefs, but many of us return to foundational truths when we need them most. What’s amazing is God is always waiting to hear from us. There are no terms or conditions. We don’t need to clean up or perform, we just need to call out and access is granted.

These days are challenging. We think of the world as being in a bit of a mess, and I know I’m concerned about what the future holds. I can only try to grasp onto what is familiar to ward off the fear and struggle of this fragile life and cling to the sources that can protect and if nothing else, be with me along the journey.

Hoping you’re able to find some peace and comfort during these difficult days. Don't be afraid to reach out to family, friends, and tap into your faith. We do live in a beautiful world. Enjoy the creation around you.

Happy Earth Day! May we all be good stewards of our planet!